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Nigerian Air Force Eliminates 22 Terrorists in Borno State

Nigerian Air Force Eliminates 22 Terrorists in Borno State

In a significant operation, the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has reported the successful elimination of 22 terrorists who were hiding in their enclaves in Borno State. The Director of Public Relations and Information of the Nigerian Air Force, Air Commodore Edward Gabkwet, disclosed this commendable achievement in a statement released on Monday in Abuja.

The air strikes that led to the neutralization of these terrorists were carried out following vital intelligence received from the Land Component, which indicated the presence of approximately 22 terrorists traveling in a gun truck along with two motorcycles near Marte.

Responding swiftly to this information, the NAF deployed its aircraft to intercept and engage this threat. After thorough surveillance and tracking, the terrorists were spotted approximately 22 kilometers west of Marte, moving northwards in the direction of Munguno.

The relentless pursuit by NAF’s air component led to a decisive moment when the terrorists, on a gun truck and two motorcycles, stopped beneath a tree – presumably to refuel or escape detection. At this point, the NAF aircraft launched an attack, resulting in a powerful explosion that engulfed the area.

The immense magnitude of the explosion suggests that the location where the terrorists were hiding might have served as a logistics base or contained weapons and explosive ordnances.

The Nigerian Air Force’s commitment to eradicating terrorist threats is further demonstrated by the operation’s success. The terrorists’ futile attempts to evade detection and the formidable response from both land and air components indicate their incapability to establish a stronghold or pose substantial threats to military installations or civilian targets.

Acknowledging the improved security situation, Governor Babagana Zulum recently stated that the state’s security had seen an impressive 85% enhancement. This progress is attributed to the dedicated efforts of the Nigerian Armed Forces and other security agencies. Governor Zulum also lauded the service chiefs for their unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of the state’s residents.

The elimination of these terrorists represents a significant achievement in the ongoing efforts to secure the region and protect its citizens. It serves as a testament to the resolute dedication and effectiveness of Nigeria’s military forces and exemplifies the progress made in maintaining and improving the security situation in Borno State.



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