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Genetic Discoveries Offer Insight into High Prostate Cancer Risk Among Black Men Black Health History Lifestyle News World

Genetic Discoveries Offer Insight into High Prostate Cancer Risk Among Black Men

In a groundbreaking development, scientists have unveiled new genetic insights that shed light on the disproportionately high risk of prostate cancer among Black men. These findings, poised to revolutionize testing and treatment approaches, offer a glimpse into the underlying genetic mechanisms driving this health disparity. Prostate cancer stands as the most prevalent cancer affecting British […]

Expansion of Kinney Place Incubator Spaces to Boost Black-Led Businesses Africa Black Business History News United States World

Expansion of Kinney Place Incubator Spaces to Boost Black-Led Businesses

Kinney Place, nestled in Westphal, Nova Scotia, is poised to undergo a transformative expansion aimed at fostering the growth of Black-led businesses within the community. The success of the existing business incubator spaces has spurred a surge in demand, prompting plans for additional facilities tailored specifically to support Black entrepreneurs. Managed by Akoma Holdings, Kinney […]

Fort Erie Students Lead Initiative to Promote Black History Month Across Niagara Schools Black Education News Politics United States World

Fort Erie Students Lead Initiative to Promote Black History Month Across Niagara Schools

A group of dedicated students from Greater Fort Erie Secondary School has spearheaded a remarkable initiative aimed at promoting the celebration of Black History Month across secondary schools in the Niagara region. Khalaila Watt, Audrey Akharoh, Korede Adesina, Anais Baxter, Taiya Farrugia, and Angel BoswellBlackwood have collaborated to create a comprehensive lesson kit designed to […]

What Black History Month means to these trailblazers Black Health News United States World

What Black History Month means to these trailblazers

Sarasota’s integral history paved the way for today In celebration of the nationally observed and recognized Black History Month, the Herald-Tribune is introducing the Faces of Black Heritage series, showcasing local Black leaders and changemakers who share their views on Black heritage and history. Sarasota plays an integral part in the overall fabric of the […]

Black Zionism Adds a Wrinkle to the Politics of the Gaza War Black Health News Politics United States World

Black Zionism Adds a Wrinkle to the Politics of the Gaza War

In a recent letter to the Biden administration, over 1,000 Black Christian pastors called for a cease-fire in Israel’s war on Gaza, the release of hostages, and an end to Israeli occupation in the West Bank. This move highlights the deep-seated angst among Black people, reminiscent of the civil rights movement, regarding the Israel-Gaza conflict. […]

Black Women and Girls Receive Support on Their Mental Health Journey Black Education Health United States World

Black Women and Girls Receive Support on Their Mental Health Journey

Future Black Female, a groundbreaking organization founded by Tapo Chimbganda, is making significant strides in providing assistance to young Black women and girls in Niagara. The organization has recently launched a virtual mental health platform called Udada, aimed at addressing the unique mental health challenges faced by this demographic. Chimbganda, who has dedicated her career […]

President Biden's Bid for Black Support: Challenges and Strategies Black Culture News Politics United States World

President Biden’s Bid for Black Support: Challenges and Strategies

President Joe Biden’s pursuit of the Black vote has become a focal point of his reelection campaign, recognizing the critical role this demographic plays in American politics. Acknowledging the indispensable support of Black voters, Biden has intensified his outreach efforts, particularly through engagements with Black churches. However, recent polls indicate a waning enthusiasm among Black […]

Why Recognizing Black History Matters Black Culture Education History Lifestyle News United States

Why Recognizing Black History Matters

Last week marked my second attendance at a Black History Month event in 2024. Amidst the vibrant performances and engaging discussions, a brief yet profound exchange with an elder attendee stirred contemplation. “We’re a multicultural society — shouldn’t we be celebrating everyone … together?” he mused. This perennial question resurfaces each February: the necessity of […]