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John Legend Condemns Trump’s Alleged Belief in Racial Inferiority

John Legend Condemns Trump's Alleged Belief in Racial Inferiority

Renowned singer and activist John Legend has delivered scathing remarks about former President Trump, alleging that racism is ingrained “to his core.” In an interview with MSNBC’s Jen Psaki, Legend recounted Trump’s response to the Black Lives Matter protests ignited by the 2020 murder of George Floyd.

Legend accused Trump of advocating for violence against protestors, stating, “When we protested the killing of George Floyd, he was advocating for the military to shoot us in the streets.” He further asserted that Trump has long harbored beliefs of Black inferiority, asserting, “He has made it clear throughout his life that he believes Black people are inferior. Like, he believes that, to his core, in his bones.”

Allegations of Trump’s racially charged rhetoric and actions have been persistent throughout his political career. Reports surfaced that Trump inquired about shooting protesters in the legs during the 2020 unrest, as disclosed by then-Defense Secretary Mark Esper. General Mark Milley, former Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, corroborated these claims, revealing Trump’s suggestion to “crack their skulls.”

Trump’s history of racially charged remarks includes launching his 2016 campaign with denigrations of immigrants and speculating earlier this year that Black Americans support him due to their perceived victimization. Legend also cited reports from 2017 by the FBI detailing instances where Trump allegedly refused to rent units in his buildings to Black Americans.

Legend asserted that Trump subscribes to a “genetic hierarchy of humanity, racially determined.” Despite Trump’s efforts to court Black voters, including attending events like the Black Conservative Federation’s gala and touting economic statistics, Legend remains unconvinced, particularly criticizing Trump’s stance on criminal justice reform.

Legend dismissed Trump’s claims of success in this regard, highlighting Trump’s prior statements advocating for extreme measures against petty criminals. Trump’s attempts to position himself as an ally to African Americans, including promises of economic prosperity and criminal justice reform, have been met with skepticism by critics like Legend.

As the political landscape evolves, the allegations and counterclaims surrounding Trump’s attitudes towards race continue to shape public discourse, underscoring the enduring impact of his presidency on issues of racial justice and equality.


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