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Kenya Sets Deadline for Raila Odinga’s AUC Candidature Submission

Kenya Sets Deadline for Raila Odinga's AUC Candidature Submission

Kenya has announced plans to submit the candidacy of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga for the African Union Commission (AUC) by June 30, according to Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi.

In a joint press briefing held at the Railways headquarters offices, Mr. Mudavadi outlined the government’s preparations, including finalizing application documents and translating Mr. Odinga’s resume into six official AU languages.

Mr. Mudavadi, who also serves as the Foreign and Diaspora Affairs CS, revealed that a dedicated secretariat is being established to oversee Mr. Odinga’s campaign efforts. “The State Department for Foreign Affairs has established a campaign Secretariat which includes the candidate’s strategy team,” he stated.

This Secretariat will be responsible for various campaign activities, such as preparing briefs for the candidate, developing campaign materials, and organizing public debates, which are slated to occur six months prior to the election date.

An empirical campaign strategy has been devised, focusing on identifying opportunities, challenges, and risks associated with Kenya’s candidature. Outreach programs to AU member states’ capitals, briefings at Kenya Missions abroad, and engagements with the Diplomatic Corps in Nairobi are also part of the campaign agenda.

Highlighting Mr. Odinga’s qualifications and dedication to advocating for Africa’s interests globally, Mr. Mudavadi stressed that the former Prime Minister’s candidacy is rooted in his commitment to the continent, rather than domestic politics.

Accompanying Mr. Mudavadi, Mr. Odinga reaffirmed his decision to contest the AUC position, emphasizing that his candidacy was driven by personal conviction and not at the behest of the Kenyan government. “I made the decision to serve the continent…Your candidature is not valid until your country says yes,” Mr. Odinga affirmed.

Mr. Mudavadi reiterated the government’s endorsement of Mr. Odinga, citing his competence and alignment with Kenya and Africa’s interests. “It’s not about our local issues. We must protect Kenya’s national interest…Mr. Odinga has the requisite experience for the job,” he remarked.

Mr. Odinga’s previous role as the AU’s High Representative for Infrastructure Development underscores his familiarity with continental affairs, bolstering Kenya’s confidence in his candidacy for the AUC position.

As Kenya prepares to submit Mr. Odinga’s candidacy, the nation anticipates a milestone opportunity to contribute leadership to the African Union and advance the continent’s collective aspirations under his stewardship.



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