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Concerns Mount as President Biden Faces Decline in Black Voter Support Amid Accusations of Cynical Race Rhetoric

Concerns Mount as President Biden Faces Decline in Black Voter Support Amid Accusations of Cynical Race Rhetoric

A recent University Poll has unveiled a potential shift in support among Black voters, with one in five expressing an inclination towards backing a third-party candidate instead of President Joe Biden. This marks a significant departure from the overwhelming 92% support received from non-Hispanic Blacks in the 2020 election, as reported by the Pew Research Center.

President Biden’s strategy to rally his Democratic base involves emphasizing the perceived threat of “white supremacy.” However, critics argue that this focus ignores pressing issues such as failing schools, urban violence, and the disproportionately high abortion rates among Black women, which have contributed to stagnation in their percentage of the population.

Biden’s historical use of race as a political tool is under scrutiny, with accusations of insincerity and false claims surfacing. The President’s statements at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C., where he asserted false connections to civil rights activism, have raised questions about his authenticity.

Critics point to instances where Biden has made unsubstantiated claims, such as his assertion of having been a civil rights activist, spending extensive time at the Bethel AME Church, and initiating a civil rights movement. The editorial board has noted Biden’s tendency to make false claims, including his alleged arrest during civil rights demonstrations and his role in persuading Sen. Strom Thurmond to vote for the 1964 Civil Rights Act, both debunked as untrue.

The President’s controversial remarks over the years, including racially insensitive comments and his association with former Ku Klux Klan member Sen. Robert Byrd, have further fueled skepticism about his commitment to racial equality.

As Biden faces a decline in poll numbers, particularly among young Black voters, questions are raised about the Democrats’ track record on racial issues. Some argue that Democrats have played the race card without delivering substantive results. Concerns persist that the party’s engagement with Black communities tends to be election-centric, with a lack of sustained involvement.

In a climate where racial issues continue to hold societal significance, President Biden’s rhetoric and historical claims are now being closely examined, with potential repercussions for Democratic support among Black voters.



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