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Anti-Defamation League Clarifies Position on Black Lives Matter Movement

Anti-Defamation League Clarifies Position on Black Lives Matter Movement

In a recent op-ed piece published on November 1st, Jason Riley drew attention to what he perceives as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) being misled by the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. The ADL, however, is keen to set the record straight regarding its stance on the BLM movement and its response to instances of anti-Semitism within its ranks.

The ADL, a prominent Jewish organization dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism and other forms of discrimination, categorically denies any suggestion that it was ‘played’ by the Black Lives Matter movement. In response to the claims made in the op-ed, Jonathan A. Greenblatt, the CEO and national director of the ADL, provides a clarifying statement.

The ADL acknowledges the presence of anti-Semitism in some BLM chapters and has been vocal in condemning such instances. The organization stresses that it has no formal relationship with the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation or any of its local chapters. This clarification is essential to underscore the ADL’s independence from BLM, as well as to express its clear disapproval of any anti-Semitic sentiments within the movement.

Greenblatt goes on to express deep concern over the behavior of certain BLM chapters following October 7th when some celebrated the tragedy in Israel and praised the actions of Hamas. He deems such actions “disgusting” and reiterates the ADL’s unequivocal stand against any group or individuals that seek to dehumanize Israelis or Zionists.

While the ADL distances itself from those BLM chapters that espouse anti-Semitism, it remains committed to finding avenues of cooperation with the African-American community. The ADL recognizes the ongoing existence of systemic racism in the United States and has a long history of collaborating with the black community to combat these injustices. The organization firmly asserts that it will not forsake its role in confronting anti-Semitism, nor will it turn a blind eye to the suffering of its allies in the African-American community who continue to face racism, discrimination, and hate. The ADL views the alliance between the black and Jewish communities as essential in their joint struggle against these intertwined forms of hatred and discrimination.

In conclusion, the Anti-Defamation League, in response to Jason Riley’s assertions, maintains its independence from the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation and local chapters, while simultaneously reiterating its commitment to working together with the African-American community to combat racism and discrimination, emphasizing the importance of collective action in addressing these societal ills.



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